Merry Christmas To You

A few weeks ago I was reflecting on the last few years and how my health had been improving; excited that this would be the first Christmas in three years that I haven’t been in the hospital. Well, here I am waking up Christmas morning in the hospital.

My first thought was to be sad that I couldn’t be at home with my family, then the warmth of gratefulness came over me. Even though I’m here on Christmas, I’m here to finally fix the problem that has caused me to be here for the past three years. Surgery is tomorrow and I feel blessed.

Beautiful Christmas tree in the hospital lobby.

Blessed. This is what Christmas is all about. Christmas isn’t about counting how many gifts we’re getting but rather count and be thankful for our years blessings.

I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for my family.
I’m grateful for my career.
I’m grateful for my opportunities.

What are you grateful for?

I hope you’re having a great holiday and end of 2018. I hope you’re spending your time doing something that makes you happy.

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